The socio-religious discourse of the conundrums of traditional education in contemporary Igbo society is based on the premise that Igbo traditional education is in progressive decline and something urgent must be done to revitalize the educational system. The objective of the research work is to highlight the influence of western culture on Igbo traditional education and the socio-religious problems the Igbo imposed on their traditional education in contemporary Igbo society. The study examined the relationship between Igbo traditional education and Igbo socio-religious life in precolonial and contemporary Igbo societies. The study is a qualitative research, while methods of data analysis were sociological approach, culture area approach and comparative approach. The study is anchored on functionalism theory especially Durkheim’s theory of collective conscience. Findings show that Igbo people contributed to the socio-religious problems of their traditional education. Codeswitching by Igbo-English bilinguals, acculturation and negligence of Igbo morality were among the socio-religious problems the Igbo imposed on their traditional education in contemporary society. It was discovered that the Igbo iconoclasts were engrossed in western individualism to the detriment of Igbo community consciousness. The study disclosed that western religion and education have adverse effects on Igbo traditional education. However, the researcher recommends the introduction of moral education curriculum centred on Igbo socio-moral values for students in Igboland and the revitalization of Igbo traditional education by establishing centres for traditional entrepreneurial studies in Igboland.
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